Media Access Canada Board of Directors
- Anthony Tibbs, Chairman
- Steven Christianson, Secretary
- Michael Currie
- Michel David
- Geoff Eden
- Gary Saxon, Vice Chairman
Anthony Tibbs, Chairman

Anthony Tibbs has been on the national board of the Alliance for Equality of Blind Canadians since 2006, and has been involved with the organization since approximately 2004. Prior to that he co-founded and served as the director of the Centre for Students with Disabilities at the University of Ottawa. This student-funded, cross-disability initiative was formed to provide representation, advocacy support, and additional services for students with disabilities on campus. The process included the establishment of a student-union-controlled accessibility fund to allow faculty and departmental associations to make their own events and undertakings accessible without financial barriers getting in the way (e.g. access to sign language interpreters at student-run conferences and events).
On the technical side, his background includes software development, audio/video production and editing, and web/web application development. He is also familiar with the technical and practical issues of web accessibility and implementation of accessibility solutions in the broadcast system.
Anthony is currently pursuing a career in law.
Steven Christianson, Secretary

Steven Christianson is the National Manager of Government Relations & Advocacy at March of Dimes Canada, one of the country's largest service providers to people with disabilities. He focuses on securing, maintaining and expanding government opportunities and partnerships by developing initiatives to advance public policy and disability issues, raise corporate branding and profile, and enhance donor relations across Canada. His work at March of Dimes Canada also entails chairing the AODA Compliance Committee, serving as a Member of the National Steering Committee of Barrier-Free Canada, working as a Field Instructor with the School of Social Work at Ryerson University, and serving as a Delegate to the United Nations Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities at UN Headquarters in New York. He has more than two decades of senior-level experience in public policy, political affairs and campaign advocacy at all levels of government in Canada as well as various task forces and royal commissions. Steven holds an undergraduate degree in public administration and a master's degree in public policy.
Michael Currie

Michael Currie is a Systems Administrator with Justice Institute of BC. His career has seen him move through a number of organizations providing a wide range of technical business expertise. He has been very involved with the Canadian Hard of Hearing Association in various board positions. He was the Chair of the National Disability Tax Credit Working Group.
Michel David

Michel David is Canadian Hearing Society's Regional Director, Ottawa. His 30 years working with the Deaf, deafened and hard of hearing communities in Canada in vocational, mental health, community development and employment services, coupled with his many years in senior management, provides MAC with a grass roots understanding of user needs and the know how to engage senior level stakeholders in translating those needs into accessible media policy development. His volunteer work in Ottawa was recognized in 2009 when he received a Celebration of People Award and in 2010, when he receive the City of Ottawa Civic Appreciation Award. Mr. David holds a Master's Degree in Social Work from University of Toronto and is fluent in French, English, ASL and has some knowledge of LSQ. I am and have always been a strong advocate for the rights of all persons with hearing loss; even during the 4 year period when I was a stay-at-home dad I continued my advocacy work resulting in several public facilities installing TTY pay telephones. I received recognition for my efforts in 2009 (Celebration of People Awards), and in 2010 (City of Ottawa Civic Appreciation Awards).
Geoff Eden
Geoff Eden, now retired, has had a long and outstanding accessibility career in both his paid and volunteer activities. He has worked for the Ontario Ministry of Health, the City of Toronto and the CNIB. His volunteer activities include the development of standards both for the CSA and the Ontario Government, service on the Region of Niagara and City of Welland's accessibility advisory committees and the board of the National Broadcast Reading Service. He is also an entertainer and an amateur radio operator.
Gary Saxon, Vice Chairman

Gary Saxon brings to the MAC board a wealth of experience in education, and executive and board memberships. Retiring as a Vice Principal for the Hamilton Wentworth District School Board in 2007, Gary has always given back to the blind and low visioned community as a member of the Canadian National Institute of the Blind board member, then on to the Canadian Council of the Blind. As a blind Canadian, Gary has transferable tools to share with MAC, and can provide a first person perspective to MAC's future work. Mr. Saxon holds a Master of Education from Brock University and a Bachelor of Arts Degree from McMaster University.